We believe that every follower of Jesus is called to be compassion to their community. Since the earliest days of the church, Christians have been involved in ministry towards the marginalized all over the world. The Church of the Nazarene specifically has affirmed the need for the church to embrace those who have been ignored by society. This charge is not just institutional; it is a personal call on the life of every Christian.
At Melbourne Nazarene we partner with NCM International as well as local non-profits in order to reach the most vulnerable in our community with the love of Christ. Wether it be through prayer, donations, or participation, we welcome you to join us. Together we are the church. Together we can make a difference.
NCM International
Following the example of Jesus, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) partners with local Nazarene congregations around the world to clothe, shelter, feed, heal, educate, and live in solidarity with those who suffer under oppression, injustice, violence, poverty, hunger, and disease. NCM exists in and through the Church of the Nazarene to proclaim the Gospel to all people in word and deed. Find out more at www.ncm.org.
Daily Bread
Daily Bread’s mission is to provide the dignity and quality of life to the hungry and needy we serve, with daily hot meals and access to hygienic services. Together with community partners we provide food collection, distribution services, and access to social and educational agencies providing clients with the opportunity to become self-sufficient. Every second Wednesday of the month a group from our church helps serve food to the homeless from 10AM-2PM. To learn more about Daily Bread visit www.dailybreadinc.org. If you are interested in connecting with this group contact us at connect@melnaz.org.
Nazarene Friends– Pirate Basketball
During the Palm Bay High School basketball season, we attempt to fill up the bleachers and support our team. Before games we prepare and serve a hot meal for the players. We also help with food sales during the games to raise funds for the team. At the end of the season, we open up the doors of our church building to host an Awards Banquet for players, coaches, and their families. Our intention is to show the players, coaches, students, and families that we love and care deeply for them. Are you ready to cheer for the Pirates?

Growing Hope Boutique
Growing Hope Boutique is a fun, free shopping experience, designed to give love and dignity to the vulnerable children of our community. The goal is to serve with the light and love of Jesus. We have items available from birth to high school sizes/interests.
This ministry is still in the process of getting established, but will be fully up and running very soon. Check out our Facebook page for the latest details (https://www.facebook.com/growinghopeboutique). We are very appreciative of donations in the form of either eligible items or cash.
Donation Do’s and Don’ts:
* New and gently used clean clothes, belts, accessories, books (infants to teens)
* New and gently used toys (only with all parts present)
* New underwear, socks, and pajamas
* New toiletries
* New pillows
* New throws/small blankets
* Monetary donations to:
Melbourne First Church of the Nazarene
Memo line: Growing Hope Boutique
* Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/registries/custom/23SE02JFUTD8O/guest-view?ref=gr_search_page_result&fbclid=IwAR33wiAu8XU9wzH8ebAMoZvIf5OzJbHhwo1bn2Acu2l_O9mwRxEW6M3BF-k
Please don’t donate:
* Used underwear, socks, pajamas, swimsuits, hats
* Unwashed or outdated items
* Sports equipment
* Clothes with monograms or promotional and event logos
* Home decor
* Costumes or dance wear
* Used stuffed animals
* Used car seats
* Ant item that may have a recall
For any additional questions, please e-mail growinghopeboutique@gmail.com.

Mosaic Compassion
We exist to provide care and support for vulnerable populations through immigrant legal services, education and life-skills/leadership development. In 2015, we helped reunite 40+ children with their families/sponsors through the Office of Refugee Resettlement; today we are helping immigrants achieve a successful future through education, legal assistance and life skills training. Please pray for this ministry of our local church as it goes through a restructuring process. For more information visit www.facebook.com/mosaiccompassion.
Love I.N.C.
Love In the Name of Christ is a non profit organization that trains and unites churches to help people in need. Dignity, education, economic empowerment, and transformation of our clients and then our community, in the name of Christ, is our ultimate goal. We are continually partnering with Love INC, joining many other local congregations who have understood than in order to reach our county for Christ we must become ONE church. Learn more about Love I.N.C. visit www.loveincbrevard.com and join us in upcoming projects.